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A lot of mods require replacing game files with OpenIV. We can get around this by using a modloader.

Fusion Overloader#


Supports both the Complete Edition and as long as the latest version of FusionFix is installed.

This modloader works by loading the files from the update folder instead of the main game files, avoiding replacing the original files.

Installing mods packaged for Fusion Overloader#

They're likely already packaged into an update folder. Just drop that folder into the root folder of the game.

Installing mods with files that go into .img archives"#

Example: mod requires you to drop a file into the vehicles.img file.

For mods that provide a whole .img archive

If, say, the mod compiles the whole vehicles.img but only replaces one vehicle - you should only package that separate vehicle alone. While you can get away with not separating the modified files, you'll ruin compatibility with other mods. So please don't do that.

If you want to separate modified files, you have to extract the mod's and vanilla archives into separate folders and compare the folders with something like WinMerge.

  1. Compile all the files that go into .img's into a single .img archive (or multiple if your archives exceed 1.5GB to avoid issues) using OpenIV.
  2. If you have files that should be only injected into TLAD, TBoGT or IV and not the other (i.e. a mod provides separate files for base IV and EFLC), compile a separate .img file for each subgame.
  3. Create a folder with the name of your mod in the update folder (create one in the game folder if it doesn't exist).
  4. Drop your compiled .img files into that folder.
  5. If you went through step 2, also create folders called IV, TLAD or TBoGT and drop the separate .img files there.


If you have multiple mods that replace same files and need a priority system, you can add a number or a symbol (such as !) before it's name.

Whatever is higher on the folder when sorting by Name (ascending) - is higher on priority.

Expected folder structure

In this example, Mod 2 is supposed to be higher priority than Mod 1.

  • GTAIV\
    • update\
      • 1 Mod 2\
        • Mod2.ForEveryGame.img
      • 2 Mod 1\
        • Mod1.ForEveryGame.img
        • IV\
          • Mod 1.IVOnly.img
        • TLAD\
          • Mod 1.TLADOnly.img
        • TBoGT\
          • Mod 1.TBoGTOnly.img

Installing mods with other kind of files#

Example: mod requires you to modify gta.dat.

Example 2: mod requires you to modify playerped.rpf (copy the vanilla file over first and modify that).

By other kind of files I mean literally any replacement files that go into pc, common, TLAD or TBoGT. As long as they're not .img files.

Placing the files in the mod folders won't work.

  1. Recreate the folder structure from the vanilla one in update.
  2. Place the replacement files exactly as you would in vanilla, just do that in update.
  3. If the two mods replace same files, use a comparison tool (I like to use WinMerge) to merge them.
Expected folder structure
  • GTAIV\
    • update\
      • common\
        • data\
          • WeaponInfo.xml
      • TLAD\
        • common\
          • data\
            • WeaponInfo.xml

IV Tweaker#


Supports and only.

This modloader has a few advantages over Fusion Overloader, such as being able to inject more files than just .img's while still having the originals intact. It also allows to increase limits.


  1. Go to Zolika1351's Zone
  2. Scroll to the bottom and download the archive.
  3. Extract the archive into the game folder.

Installing mods#

For mods that provide a whole .img archive

If, say, the mod compiles the whole vehicles.img but only replaces one vehicle - you should only package that separate vehicle alone. While you can get away with not separating the modified files, you'll ruin compatibility with other mods. So please don't do that.

If you want to separate modified files, you have to extract the mod's and vanilla archives into separate folders and compare the folders with something like WinMerge.

  1. Compile all the files that go into .img's into a single .img archive (or multiple if your archives exceed 1.5GB to avoid issues) using OpenIV.
  2. If you have files that should be only injected into TLAD, TBoGT or IV and not the other, compile a separate .img file for them.
    • You can also omit the above two steps and just use raw files.
  3. Create a folder with the name of your mod in modloader.
  4. Drop your compiled .img or raw files into that folder.
  5. If you had to go through step 3, also create separate folders for IV, TLAD or TBoGT and drop the specific files there.
  6. You can add GTAIVOnly, TLADOnly or a TBoGTOnly if you don't need the mod to load in any other subgame. Otherwise, edit modloader.ini for priority and when the mods should or should not load.
Expected folder structure
  • GTAIV\
    • modloader\
      • Mod1\
        • IVAnims.ForEveryGame.img
        • WeaponInfo.xml
      • Mod1.TLADOnly\
        • TLADOnly
        • TLADAnims.img
        • WeaponInfo.xml
      • Mod1.TBoGTOnly\
        • TBoGTOnly
        • TBoGTAnims.img

Configuring the modloader#

To configure the modloader, edit modloader.ini in modloader.

  • Make sure you set the correct priority so you don't have unwanted mods overriding other mods (higher number - higher priority).
  • Make sure mods that should only be injected to TBoGT or TLAD are disabled for IV (Ep0), mods that are only for TBoGT are disabled for TLAD (Ep1), and mods that are only for TLAD are disabled for TBoGT(Ep2).
    • This isn't necessary if you left GTAIVOnly, TLADOnly or TBoGTOnly files in the folders.
Expected configuration

Improved Animations mod will be used for an example.






Increasing the limits

To increase the limits, edit IVTweaker.ini.

You may want to do that if you install mods that, for example, change vehicle textures, since you should increase the vehicle budget limits for those.

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